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Our Shopping Cart only processes orders from within the continental US. If you are interested in purchasing something from outside that area please Email Us the details so we can determine if we have another method of processing the order.
WARNING: Marrad Industries LLC and/or manufacturer shall not be liable to purchaser or to any third party for any damages arising out of the purchase, installation, recommendation or use of any product or combination of products. It is the userīs or purchaserīs responsibility to determine any specifications that may be required in the use of any of these products. These products are sold WITHOUT WARRANTY EXPRESSED OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR ANY PURPOSE. NO WARRANTY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED ACCOMPANIES THESE PRODUCTS AND THE PURCHASER AND/OR USER, HAVING INSPECTED THESE COMPONENTS, MAKES THE SOLE DETERMINATION OF THEIR SUITABILITY FOR USE IN AN APPLICATION OF HIS OR HER OWN DESIGN. By installing these components, the user or installer assumes all risks of damage, injury or death.